Are you free to teach without fear?



  This is a controversial topic but a mandatory one. In New York there is a boycott of state testing at least 155,000 students opted out of assessments. "With the addition of these high stakes attached to the teacher evaluations, really just took it over the top," Smith-Thompson said. "Kids started talking about, 'If I fail, my teacher will get fired.' And kids should not be put in that position." Freedom to teach without fear or personal favor to any organization is what is being threatened in New York and across the states. Teachers may be unaware of the severity of this issue.  Opting out of a test does not hurt the student; it supports teacher integrity and fully supports Academic Freedom.   There has been an overwhelming amount of politicians in support of teacher evaluation being tied to student testing.   Academic Freedom is at stake here; please do not let propaganda distort an atmosphere in which various points of views from students, teachers, and community members are not valued. If you have ever been in education you know firsthand that test scores should not jeopardize job security. Do you teach in fear of losing your job? What are your thoughts?