How do you introduce new concepts to students?

[embed][/embed]How do you introduce new concepts to your students? HOOK! HOOK! HOOK! Try introducing concepts that inspires and excite students! Take a look at this clip, is it interesting or engaging? From blowing up something in a college class to pausing a video or clip to explain concepts or ideas, its all worth it!  Oh, yeah and you might want to make sure when its over there is something left in the classroom like a visual of mnemonic or  images that trigger what you've done and how it ties to the lesson.  I express to teacher all of the time, (If you don't refer to charts, images, or signs that you have on the wall, its like ugly wallpaper.. you start not to notice it after a while).   I’ve observed many teachers and Doug Lemov has many techniques one is called The Hook, in Teach Like a Champion; He has the hook divided into multiple categories:  1. Tell a Story: One that is quick and engaging that leads directly to the material. (The long division sign is the house) 2. Find an Analogy: Relate an analogy that relates or connects to your students lives. Like the chemistry dances choosing partners at a school dance. 3. Use a prop: Maybe a hat or jacket the character in the story might have worn. 4. Media: music, video, or clip can support many lessons. Remember music heard may not be grasped like music printed, so print it! Movie or Video clips must be short; many times this can be distracting. General rule of thumb is under 2 minutes. Depending on the group 5. A person of Status: Shakespeare, relate exceptional work by a student to a highly regarded person of his status. Make the connection for your students and sell it! 6. Challenge your students: PUSH them, try a difficult task and have them work individual or in teams to accomplish it. (Can you translate this Shakespeare statement into English?) I think you can. Think-Pair-Share and do it!