Teaching Observations, Instructional Coaching

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How Are Market Leaders and Innovations are Shaping the Future of Education

The education sector constantly changes, driven by new technological advancements, its no wonder why schools and districts struggle to keep up. We are starting to see a shift in pedagogical approaches and with the effects of COVID there is a growing focus on personalized learning. One potential source of innovation in education comes from the private education resource industry. This market comprises a range of organizations and businesses that develop and provide educational materials, tools, and services outside the traditional public education system that may benefit your school.

Factors that Influence Markets and Innovation in the Education Industry

We know there are several key factors that influence markets and innovation in the education industry. Some of these factors include:

Book publishing companies not only have to think about a diverse range of users but an ever-changing society

The education resource industry is a broad and diverse sector that serves a wide range of stakeholders, including:

  • Teachers: Teachers rely on a variety of educational resources to plan lessons, create assessments, and provide students with engaging learning experiences.

  • Students: Students utilize educational resources to access course materials, practice skills, and enhance their understanding of various subjects.

  • Parents: Parents often seek out educational resources to support their children's learning at home and reinforce concepts taught in the classroom.

  • Educational Institutions: Educational institutions, such as schools and universities, rely on educational resources to equip their facilities, support professional development for teachers, and provide students with access to the latest learning technologies.

There are so many other industries that are closely intertwined with curriculum and content:

  • The Publishing Industry: Traditional publishers play a significant role in providing textbooks, instructional materials, and other print-based resources to the education sector.

  • Digital Content Providers: Digital content providers offer a variety of online resources, such as educational videos, interactive simulations, and online courses, to enhance teaching and learning.

  • Educational Technology Companies: Educational technology companies develop and provide hardware and software solutions, such as tablets, interactive whiteboards, and learning management systems, to support teaching and learning in the digital age.

The Evolving Nature of Education Resources

The education resource industry is constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of teachers, students, and educational institutions. As technology advances, the industry is adapting to incorporate new tools and platforms that support personalized learning, collaborative learning, and data-driven instruction. Although there are several companies that support our educational systems. Germany, Italy, and the United States, no single firm had a 20% share of the market, but in Denmark, Finland, and Japan, one firm had at least 40% of the market share, and in Spain, one firm was responsible for over 60% of the market (OECD, 2016).

The Vital Role of Market Leaders in Driving Innovation

Market leaders can shape the culture of innovation within their organizations and the broader industry. schools can foster an environment that encourages experimentation, rewards creativity and embraces failure as a learning opportunity. By promoting a culture of innovation, market leaders inspire their employees, suppliers, and partners to seek improvement and drive innovation forward constantly.

By examining the companies holding the largest market share in each country, we can determine the dominant players in the educational resources industry. The market extends globally, as certain leaders like Pearson Education have a prominent presence in multiple countries, whereas companies like Tammi Learning are either partially or completely owned by foreign firms. While some multinational corporations operate in over 100 countries, others concentrate on markets with a common language.

Enhancing the Information Repository

Getting reliable information about the education resources sector can be stifling due to numerous factors such as fragmentation, lack of centralization, a rapidly evolving landscape, limited research and analysis, data privacy, and confidentiality. Despite these challenges, there are reputable sources, industry reports, market research firms, and educational organizations that provide valuable insights into the education resources sector. The OECD could support international efforts to improve information sharing in this area. Engaging with these sources can help gain a better understanding of the field.  Typically, electronic devices or software in education tend to be more applications of technologies developed for other markets than specialized ones, even though this trend may be changing (Foray and Raffo, 2015).

Core Ideas for Innovation Strategies in Education

Technological educational advancements open schools to the digital world and broader social context, attracting new stakeholders and ideas. However, convincing schools to embrace industry partnerships can be challenging due to marketization, privatization, and job displacement concerns.  

Additionally, the education industry is relatively unknown compared to other sectors like healthcare, making it harder to establish effective collaboration. To address this, governments are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the education industry through market research, not only for procurement purposes but also to identify potential partners and improve the knowledge base about the industry.


Foray, D. and J. Raffo (forthcoming), An Analysis of Business-driven innovation through educational patents, in Vincent-Lancrin, S. (Ed.), Business-driven innovation in the education sector, OECD Publishing, Paris.

 OECD (2016), Innovating Education and Educating for Innovation: The Power of Digital Technologies and Skills, Educational Research and Innovation, OECD Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264265097-en.