Changing the Face of eLearning for Teachers


Hey, listen. Have you ever wondered why teachers leave schools? Yes, there are several reasons, but the main reason is because they don't feel supported.  We know that administrators want  teachers  to feel that they are part of a community but many times they don't. We know that, for you, the educational culture is very important but I ask, how are you investing in their growth and connectivity. At Educational Innovation 360, we are a supportive 1:1 eLearning platform that teachers the support in the classroom that they need.  Our E-Instructional Coaching is a growth system that will revolutionize your school district, changing the lives of your teachers, but above all, increase student achievement.What is E-Instructional Coaching?Imagine you are in a school district with middle or low performing teachers.

Are you an Administrator

Education professionals who do not feel committed to their work, due to their vision of education as only a job, because they do not see prospects for improvement and growth in their schools. With students with behavior concerns that are reflected in their grades, but especially in their learning. You, as administrator, want to change this reality. You want to have committed teachers who love education and reflect this passion in their students, here is a secret they have the passion! Teachers who strive in their work, because they know that their effort will be not only recognized, but also rewarded with professional growth within their schools.   That is how you support this passion! You also want your students to be assertive people, young people who find in school a place to grow, to cultivate themselves and to become better people. You want them to see education as a stimulating, important process, and most of anything, a process that gives them tangible results in their everyday life once they finish their studies. You want students with good grades, yes, and with good behavior, yes, but above all, you want young people who understand that school is the place that will make them have the successful life they dream of.


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To achieve these structural changes, we present the E-Instructional Coaching, a system that partners with teachers for job-embedded professional learning that enhances the educators reflection on students, the curriculum, and pedagogy for the purpose for more effective decision making, with coaches who are dedicated to help your teachers to improve their performance in their work, which will be effectively reflected in the students’ education, improving their grades, improving their behavior, but above all things, improving their lives by providing them with high quality education options.But the E-Instructional Coaching system does not only coach the teachers, it also analyzes the reality of each school, generating development plans specially designed for each institution, indicating how schools can be improved to give teachers growing opportunities, turning directors and teachers into community leaders who love their jobs, who understand that education is the basis for society’s evolution, and therefore, will strive to generate conditions that will allow them to develop their potential, which will also develop their communities and, therefore, their quality of life.  Sounds good, right?

Now let me explain how it works.

Through programmed observation, frequent and regular points in the performance of the teacher that must be worked are found. Once they are defined, 2 or 3 areas where it is most important to achieve teacher’s growth are identified, to provide effective feedback specially designed for their development and to then directly practice the necessary steps to carry out the required action to improve their performance. Then, teacher’s direct responsibility systems are created to allow the teacher to translate the feedback and practice received into concrete actions that will result in performance improvement and, automatically, in education improvement as well.E-Instructional Coaching cares about knowing who the teachers are, as well as their development and growth needs and goals. This is because strong teachers, who are comfortable within their schools, are much less likely to abandon their jobs, in addition, they make a greater effort to educate their students, improving the quality of the education in their schools. This can change lives, as students who have strong leadership teachers will have better and greater opportunities to access to quality higher education, decrease their chances of leaving school, and have better behavior while they are studying. Do you want to change the quality of education in your school district? Do you want teachers who love their work, who do not see education as a job but as a fundamental element for the improvement of the community and their life quality? Do you want responsible students who take school seriously because they understand that is the only way to change their lives? Do you want to help with the growth and positive development of your community? Do you want to change the world? Then, your school district needs the E-Instructional Coaching system, an Educational Innovation 360º initiative to work as a team with teachers, principals and administrators to transform schools and change the lives of their students. Because quality education is the key to achieving the cultural, social and economic improvements that leverage an individual, improving the life quality of themselves and their families, and generating a great country, contact us and learn much more about this system that will improve the quality of education of your students, positively impacting the achievements in their lives.