How to Explain Why Are Students So Excited About Microblogging?


With the constant push of the internet and its advancements' micro-blogging isn't to far behind.  Microblogging is where Blogging and instant messaging meet!   This advancement allows people to share information with an audience in a short form that is connected to an already active community.  The small group forum is used to established ideas and allow for diverse platforms to be available to engage all users. Microblogging (also referred to as nanoblogging) has taken K-12 learners by storm due to the variety of methods that can be used by the students.   In Microblogging students can insert, video's, text, audio, and hyperlinks.  Teachers and students are looking for faster, shorter ways to communicate with people online to keep people informed around them.  The term, Mico-blogging  it is actually seen substantial growth since 2006.  It has been able to transcend topics and take on a form of geographical properties?  Not only are teachers talking about their daily activities but they are seeking out and sharing information across the district. In China Mircoblogging is a major source of commentary ranging on a wide range of topics, it is a means of communication spreading news quickly, discussing topics, and tuning into the governments responses.  In 2012, there were 309 million people microblogging in China.  In the states, we are using Mircroblgging but it has not truly caught on or spread as rapidly.   One of the major ways Americans used this type of communication is to chat via small updates from friends, family,  or networks.  Is K-12 schools, as we can see Microblogging looks more like more like daily journals or one page diaries. There is usually no word limit and the person who post (blogger) expresses his or her ideas in topics ranging from politics, sports, lifestyle, culture, music, movies and careers. Images and video clips can also be added to the post for users to understand the statement better. The post also follows a last-in-first-out order so that the newest topic is the first to be seen. Another major difference between a website and a blog is that unlike websites, blogs allow users to post comments so that it now looks like an interactive website. The owner of the blog also has the sole right to censor whatever comment that is being published on his blog.  . Users can also post multimedia files with text and an audience on the platform can always see it.Microblogging sites are always updating every second as people always have something to post.  According to the Pew Research Center, 67% of Americans say they get at least some of their news from social media, and 20% do so often.There is never a dull moment with micro-blogging wither in the classroom or at home. It is always very active way users always desire to interact. As far as the Micro bloggers; they will almost always want their users to know what is going on in and around them on a day to day level.  Below is a list of platforms that uses Micro-blogs. Platforms that use Microblogging

  • Tumblr- With this platform, users can post articles that are lengthy if they want. You can also post multimedia files for people to see and paste their own comments too. Some people believe they are an offshoot of twitter.

  • Twitter-Most people consider twitter as their best social network. Users on the platform see themselves as “tweeps”. Twitter has a word limit of about 280 characters and you can also post divers forms of multimedia files.

  • Facebook-Some see this platform as a way to reach out to old contacts they have lost over time. It really helps to connect people around the world whilst sharing multimedia files.

  • Instagram-This platform helps you to share your stories especially in multimedia format. Users can see what other users are doing, or where they have been.

According to Lifewire there are true Benefits of Microblogging Versus Traditional Blogging take a look below: 

  1. Less Time Spent Developing Content-It takes time to write or put together content for a lengthy blog post. With microblogging, on the other hand, you can post something new that takes as little as a few seconds to write or develop.

  2. Less Time Spent Consuming Individual Pieces Of Content-Because microblogging is such a popular form of social media and information consumption on mobile devices, it's worth being able to quickly get the gist of the post in a short, straight to the point format without needing to read or watch something that takes too much time.

  3. The Opportunity For More Frequent Posts-Traditional blogging involves longer but less frequent posts while microblogging involves the opposite (shorter and more frequent posts). Since you're saving so much time by focusing on just posting short pieces, you can afford to post more frequently.

  4. An Easier Way To Share Urgent Or Time-Sensitive Information- Most microblogging platforms have been designed to be easy and fast to use. With a simple tweet, Instagram photo, or Tumblr post, you can update everyone on what's going in your life (or even in the news) at this very moment.

  5. An Easier, More Direct Way To Communicate With Followers-Besides being able to communicate better with more frequent and shorter posts, you can also use microblogging platforms to easily encourage and facilitate more interaction by commenting, tweeting, reblogging, liking and more.

  6. Mobile Convenience-Last but not least, microblogging wouldn't be as big of a deal as it is right now without the growing trend toward mobile web browsing. It's too hard to write, interact and consume lengthy blog posts on a smartphone or tablet, which is why microblogging goes hand in hand with this newer form of web browsing.

Remember the average attention span, and the you will have a glimpse of how everyday activities are transpiring.References