Revamp your lessons: Nano Learning - The New Educational Teaching Method

For decades, scientists, teachers, and psychologists have been noticing that people's attention spans are getting shorter. The average attention span in the 1970s was around 40 minutes. Well, that has changed with the social media world that we live in now, many people's attention spans have been reduced to just a few minutes. There is a new learning method that does not fight the smaller amount of attention. Instead of pushing students to focus for 45 minutes to 1 hour at a time, this new learning method works chunk content for short snippets of information. Researchers and people scholars in education are developing a new method of learning that fits in with students and their busy schedules and shortened levels of focus. It is called Nano learning.

What is Nano-Learning?

Nano learning requires educators and lesson planners to develop short lessons around a single subject. This is vastly different from what is happening in the classroom currently. Instead of having long stents of one subject, a teacher can differentiate the lesson and chunk the content of the lesson to include various ways for students to connect to the subject. Teachers are taking a subject and delivering it in a multitude of ways. Learning can be fun with, mini recorded 5-minute modules.

One square tile pointing to a group of tile

Transform Your Lessons Today!

Nano learning adapts to the social media style world that we currently live in. Generation Z has completely embraced smaller, bite-sized, short lessons on Instagram, Snapchat, Tik-Tok, and also YouTube. Not only can be short lessons be posted on social media for the entire world to see, but it also helps educators break down extremely complex topics into more simplistic terms (Laverty, Ryan, et al, 2020).

 Here is how educators can create nano learning lessons: (Whybrow, Li, 2021).

 ●      Revamp previous longer lessons and turn them into 5 to 15 minutes topics.

●      Purchase Nana learning education software so vegetation world with the template and create new small lessons quickly. They should not have to develop brand new lessons every single time they have a Nano learning subject

●      Place Nano learning tablets on the cloud - since now living Tapas are so short, it is easy for students to view lessons wherever they are in the world. So there's no need for restricting learning and education to a classroom setting.

●      Use many different forms of media, including pictures, infographics, gifs, artwork, and photos

●      Using software systems that can adapt the educational material to laptops, computers, tablets, and smartphones

●      Use a nano learning template system that allows for quick and simple edits.

●      Get student feedback - by asking students about the quality of nano learning lessons, they'll be able to give feedback and say if the lessons were well-made, insightful, and effective.

 We truly believe that learning can be both delivered in small bursts or lengthier content but as times change educators must change with the times and meet the needs of Our Gen Z students. Are you interested in more content about chunking content? Check our Blogs Sections on Microlearning!


Laverty, Ryan, et al. “Nanolearning: The Future of Learning.” Training Industry, 11 Dec. 2020,

Whybrow, Li. “6 Ideas to Help You Create Nano-Learning in under 15 Minutes .” ELearning Industry, 12 May 2021,