Does your Future Students being taught by AI Assistants worry you?

It was in 1951 that Isaac Asimov predicted that by 2157, children would no longer attend a school for the purpose of learning. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has increasingly become a natural part of contemporary societies; it has been on the rise for more than half a century and continues to expand in its attributes and capacities for changing the way we human beings interact with technology and conduct ourselves. AI can greatly assist in the learning that takes place for school-aged children.


Robotic Laws

iRobot serves as a reminder of exactly what AI could be like in education future. Runaround, a short story by Isaac Asimov noted a set of robotic laws which enables AI assistants to solve the world’s issues and protect human beings in ways that would not have been imagined a century earlier.The rules of the robotics are:

  • First Law - A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

  • Second Law - A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law

  • Third Law - A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

Robotics in Society

These laws uphold notions of protection of human beings and act as assistants to the human police force; they can be utilized as back up for establishing and maintaining law and order as well as protection of any human as they endeavor to not injure any human being. The potential of AI to expand its capacities for thought and rationality are identified in iRobot as a rogue robot, Sunny who does not conform to the three laws and has the potential for lateral thinking. Machines and automatons are highly-useful for all aspects of society’s technological adaptations to undertaken work, education and community measures.


AI Teaching Robotic

AI machines or teaching assistants can utilize data analysis in a way that is beyond the scope of human beings and they can assist in students focusing on the areas in which they are lacking in terms of education. AI may well be part of the educational system and already children are used to utilizing a tablet to assist in their education. In 2019 and forthwith, teachers can be complemented with AI assistants who will assist in the teaching process and enable all students to gain quality education and manage different learning styles and abilities. The growing importance and salience of AI is diffusing into Western societies at a fast pace and while AI assistants and machines are human-built, they can exceed the capacity of what a single human being can potentially achieve especially in education.

Future of Education


In the future, AI may assist in a plethora of ways including upholding the law, education and in workplaces. Children may not attend educational institutions but be taught by AI assistants while workplace functions and tasks can be performed by automatons and AI assistants to enable faster processing and more accuracy. 


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