Top Ways To Attract And Retain Extraordinary Educators Part II


Working with teachers in the same capacity is just as important advocating for teachers.  Educational Leaders and administrators should see teachers as co-workers and not as people beneath them. They can reduce turnover by encouraging their teachers to talk with them to clear up issues and share opinions, and then make changes where changes can be made. It is also helpful to have time where teachers collaborate. Support for teachers is the biggest thing that makes a different in teacher turnover rates as when teachers struggle in the classroom, they’re not likely to reach out for help which can cause high levels of stress, depression, and anxiety.

Salary Counts

The second biggest thing is salary. While principals, administration, and teachers can’t raise this themselves, they can encourage local policymakers to invest in teachers and in turn in students that could someday become teachers, administrators, and policymakers themselves. Request that policymakers use federal levers in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to provide high-poverty schools with additional resources, increase overall compensation by increasing salaries and offering housing incentives and student loan forgiveness. It would also help if teachers were provided with modern and new technology instead of 10 year old desktop computers. Point educational leaders in the direction of Educational Innovation 360 for more coaching services on retaining educators.

Empathy and Experience

Build empathy in schools. Principals and administrators that empathize with their teachers are more likely to retain them. Empathy is important in showing educators respect and in helping educators grow.  Encourage teachers to share their experiences. Sharing experiences with administrators and other teachers can help to brainstorm how to solve problems and will serve all to be a guide for how to prevent the same problems from occurring. This also saves teachers a lot of stress and anxiety, giving them more time to focus on developing lesson plans and helping their students. Make use of Educational Innovation 360’s services for retaining teachers to learn more about how empathy and experience affect educator retention rates.

Teachers Enjoy Support and Feedback too!

Provide on-going professional development. While teachers teach, they also learn. They learn from their students and from administration. And it’s important for them to continue learning and become the best teachers they can be. Providing on-going professional development keeps them up-to-date on the best ways to teach and how to connect with their students.  We want to get out of the habit of providing feedback to teachers only three times per year.



All the data shows that good principals and administrators make for a higher teacher retention rate. The biggest thing that helps teachers to stay is support from administrators. By supporting educators, principals and administrators attract educators to their school, keep educators from leaving, and create an all-around better school environment and culture.  Educational Innovation 360 is a leading service provider for educational institutions, principals, and administrators. Visit NOW for more information on attracting and retaining teachers, and for additional classroom support. 


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Teaching Careers Salary and benefits-

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